“CCGRT आप के द्वार”
As a part of its ongoing initiative, to make accessible the expertise, quality and Brand ICSI-CCGRT to all chapters/ regions of ICSI and for the development and growth of the members of the ICSI and capacity building of the profession, ICSI-CCGRT has started this unique campaign “CCGRT AAPKE DWAR”. Under this initiative, any chapter on PAN India basis can request ICSI-CCGRT office to hold 1 to 3 days workshop / programme jointly with ICSI-CCGRT at their respective jurisdiction as per mutually agreed terms.
The Chairman of the respective Chapters/ Region can apply with full authority from the respective region/ chapter describing the areas of interest of their chapters like –
- Specialized Capacity Building/ Training Programme for Members and Students/ Directors/Woman Directors/ Independent Directors etc.
- CCGRT will not charge for sharing its brand/ skill set / expertise with any chapter / regions and shall also not participate in any profit/ loss from the workshop.
- CCGRT will help in popularizing the training/programme through proper marketing of the same.
- CCGRT shall bear the cost of flyer designing and Bulk Mails under this initiative.
- Request to be made at least 40-45 days in advance along with 2-3 alternative dates for proposed residential training/programmes. For non-residential programs/workshops, advance intimation with reasonable time period should be given
- Request shall bear the suggested alternative topics to be chosen
- CCGRT shall help in finalizing Workshop Theme, Venue and Faculty etc.
- The concerned Region/Chapter shall bear the cost of lodging and boarding for 2 program coordinators and ICSI-CCGRT Chairman
For more details, contact Mr. Deepak Saxena, Assistant Director on 022-41021501 or on deepak.saxena@icsi.edu.