Sustainability Reporting for Sustainable Future

August 2012

Price: ` 100/- (Excluding Postage)

ISBN: 9789382207078

Sustainability reporting is becoming more prevalent, driven by : a growing recognition that sustainability related issues can materially affect a company's performance, demands from various stakeholder groups for increased levels of transparency and disclosure and the need for companies (and the business community more generally) to appropriately respond to issues of sustainable development. Business leaders have started realising that comprehensive reporting facilitates company’s strategy and shows commitment to sustainable development. Sustainability report helps business organizations/companies ensure transparent communication and engagement with their stakeholders in respect to the company's sustainability performance.  

In this backdrop the publication on Sustainability Reporting for Sustainable Future has been brought out by the Institute, jointly with Global Reporting Initiative, Focal Point India to disseminate information and induce in-depth understanding about the sustainability and sustainability reporting among the members, students and other stakeholders of the Institute.