About the Book  

The Institute has decided to observe “ICSI Corporate Governance Week”, as an Annual Event, furthering the cause of good governance amongst corporate India. This year, the week long nation wide events was held by all the Regional Councils and Chapters of the Institute from 8th of August to 12th of August 2011.

To mark this initiative of the Institute, the publication titled C G Insights” has been brought out highlighting key corporate governance challenges that corporates are facing in the changing business environment, and the contemporary developments.

The publication covers the following themes:  

Corporate Governance by Inner Consciousness; Risk Management;  Fraud Risk Management & Governance; Blow the Whistle; Shareholder Activism and Role of Institutional Investors; Carbon Footprints; Sustainable Business Environment and Corporate Social Responsibility; Gender Diversity in Board; Guidance on Board Effectiveness by Financial Reporting Council (FRC);Transparency International and Integrity Pact; National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economical Responsibilities of Business; GRI Guidelines; Sustainability Indices; ISO 26000; ISO 14000; OECD towards Green Growth.